Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dear Do-Nothing Dad

Here's an article from (of all places!) that I think sums up a lot of my personal feelings regarding so many dads out there that make the rest of us look bad - and their dutiful, enabling wives. Special thanks to my wife for bringing this to my attention and to Graham Carr for cooking it up.


Anonymous said...

Great article. Thanks for the link.

I see this a lot; in ouy birthing classes when asked "what do you want your partner to learn here" 4 out of 7 women said "To learne they ACTUALLY have to do something".

Julie said...

Thanks so much for enlightening me about the male mind. Collectively, my husband and I have 6 children and for some reason my husband cannot fathom why I am so exhausted at the end of the day. We both work outside the home. I, also, work a business from home. Admittedly, his profession is much more stenuous physically, but that doesn't equate to a life of leisure for me. My week in short - Mon. is baseball practice for 2 hours after work, home, homework, showers, and the list goes on and repeats thru Thurs. Tues. golf practice and choir. Wed. golf practice, art club, & builders club. Thurs. golf & chess club. Fri. Choir & then who needs to be where & by what time? Sat. Baseball games, team mom duties, pick up & deliver kids to respective friends who just called... Sun. Church & hopefully catching up on housework and laundry.
Husbands weekly schedule Mon. - Work, home, insert & remove frozen lasagna while we're @ baseball practice. Tues. Work, come home, nap, TV, take one to golf, return home, load up and go fishing. Wed. Work, home, nap fishing or watch fishing on TV. Thurs. & Fri. - Same Sat. & Sun. - Mow (if not too hot!) and don't forget fishing, napping, and asking what's for dinner.
I must extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. Carr for the much needed push to say, "It's your turn. Mom is going to take a nap!"